Tagged: broke

Thorny Devil 0

The Devil Goes to Church

Thorny devil that is. Some time back John sent Miquel a thorny devil figure. Vicious looking but delicate, it survived the trip from Australia to Maryland, but it wasn’t long it broke and had to be glued back together. We didn’t have the wall unit back then so I took...

Illinois 2

Illinois Bankrupt, Gives Raises to Staff Anyway

The state of Illinois is nearly bankrupt. For years, the state has spent beyond its means and ignored its unpaid bills and obligations. Illinois currently faces a budget deficit of $14-15 Billion and total debt of around $140 Billion. Paralyzed by the worst deficit in its history, the state has...


Replacement Lamp

Last year about this time, through an interesting set of events, (Laura calls it from heaven), we received a Panasonic high-definition big screen TV. We were excited to watch it, only to find after some detective work, it wasn’t operating correctly due to a broken lamp. I phoned Panasonic, and...

playstation 3

Miquel vs. Playstation

Miquel vs. Playstation My son Miquel is quite an athlete. Ever since I can remember, he could pick up, kick, smash, toss, any ball, paddle, racquet, bat, and Frisbee and do it with God given natural abilities. He always looked like one of those “naturals’ you hear spoke of. He...