Tagged: Memorial


Relay for Life with CVS

Right after Mom’s funeral, Miquel announced to us all that CVS would be honoring Mom with their contribution to Relay for Life. I was impressed and honored that they would do that.   Thank you CVS for this opportunity.

Heath Ledger and the Indian Ocean 0

Heath Ledger and the Indian Ocean

When celebrities pass away, you feel a sense of loss for their talent, but it rarely hits us hard. Laura and her friends though had quite a while talking about the passing of Heath Ledger. So after our visit to Perth and London Court, we took Laura to Karrakatta Cemetery...

Mr Mason grilling burgers for Anchor's Memorial day 0

Memorial Day (Part Two)

The next part of Memorial Day Weekend was our church picnic. The day started as usual, seeing Mr. Mason cooking the hamburgers and hotdogs. Laura and Miquel in a big game of soccer. Mike brought his appetite, and why not? No one cooks it up like Baptists at a barbecue!...

Pastor, at the memorial day picinic 0

Memorial Day 2007

As each year, we went to Kinder Park for our church’s annual Picnic, help on our celebrate day of Memorial Day. Very hot and humid, but great food, a family atmosphere and lots of games to play for the young and young at heart. It started with a devotional message...

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Washington D.C. (Episode II) continued (again)

The United States Navy Memorial at 7th Street between Pennsylvania Avenue and Indiana Avenue in Washington, D.C. honors those who have served, and are currently serving, in the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and the Merchant Marine. The memorial is adjacent to the Archives-Navy Mem’l-Penn Quarter station and the National...