Tagged: screenshots

web cam chat 0

Web Cam Chat from Pasadena to Perth

I am far from the Grandchildren, but the internet brings us closer. I got a note from Silas via Miranda’s Facebook, that he missed me. It was so sweet, I hurried on to Skype. But just because we’re using the internet to catch up, doesn’t mean we don’t have to...

WoW mount 6

A Mount for Xerraire

So this might not mean a whole lot to many, but to World of Warcraft fans, it’s a bit of an accomplishment to reach level 20 and get a mount. I am rather satisfied to get this far as I have been attempting to play this game under a lot...

Xerraire Wes sites 1

Xerraire Wayback

I had forgotten about the Wayback Machine, which archives websites’ looks from years ago. I searched my first domain, Xerraire.com and this was the look when started in 1999: (Click on image for larger view)   2001   2002   2003 2003 2003   2004, and pretty much the look...

World of Warcraft Xerraire 0

Xerraire Does WoW

The invitation came. I about cringed at the thought. How can I manage to fit something like that in my busy schedule? I can’t do it, I immediately thought. These things are addicting and just over my head. I will stink at it. This is so unlike me, I couldn’t…...


Sim City Societies: Lakewood

Now that my new computer is set up, I have installed Sim City Societies and over the weekend, I enjoyed creating Lakewood A fire in the town….

cloudy sim city 1

Sim City Has Stopped Working

I thought I would share a few of my views of the new SimCity Societies. Where the graphics and detail are amazing, there have been a few setbacks in my new Sim Journey. But first the graphics. Here are a few screen shots: (you can click on the images for...