Tagged: toodyay


We Might Lose a Part of Julimar State Forest

The terms “State forest” and “timber reserve” refer to areas of Crown land set aside for uses including timber production, conservation and recreation. They include Crown land reserved as a State forest or timber reserve and used to grow non-native plantation species. State forests and timber reserves are managed by the Department of Environment and Conservation (“DEC”), and are the only areas where timber harvestingcan occur on DEC managed land. Timber reserves and State forests are managed identically.

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First Annual Toodyay Music Fest

Saturday March 25, 2017 marked the date of the first annual Toodyay Music Fest. With stages in Duidgee and Stirling Parks for bands and various other performers, St Stephens Church opened its doors for those who prefer to be entertained by classical and easy listening music. The streets of Toodyay...


Christian Confidence

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  ~ John 3:16 Sometimes on the weekends, John and I will take drives to the country. I really enjoy it. Our little “escapes” sometimes leads us...

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Double Date in the Country

We went back to look for wildflowers, but this time Jamie and Naomi went with us. We did come across these inch ants… And later we met this little critter, a Bobtail Lizard. There is hardly a way, even in photos to describe how many everlastings there were and their...

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Now there’s a name. Toodyay. The meaning of the name is uncertain, although it is Indigenous Noongar in origin – maps in 1836 referred to “Duidgee”, while some believe it was named for a local woman named Toodyeep who accompanied early explorers in the area. The Shire of Toodyay’s official...