Tagged: tour

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Woylie Walk

Whiteman Park has a Woodland Reserve and Friday nights they have Woylie Walks. We booked our tour and were frantic to get to it in time, but made it with some time to spare. We saw woylies and bandicoots.     After our walk, we got to feed them and...

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We should have known we were in for a silly day the way it started. Earlier in the week, John received a call from a fellow who was interested in buying one of his photos. They were settling on price and a place to meet for delivery, how many photos...


Naval Academy in Annapolis

Yesterday, Lisa took Alejandra and I on a tour of the Naval Academy. It had been ages since I had been there, so it was like learning about it all over again for me. Before we crossed the Naval Academy bridge, we had a stop on the scenic overlook. (Click...

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Video Tour of the Baltimore Aquarium

While going over our home movies, I found this clip I thought would work well for a small video tour of Baltimore’s Aquarium. It truly is a wonderful aquarium, but the video only shows a small part of it. Since this was created in 1992, they’ve added so much to...