Tagged: ancestry


Joris Jansen Rapelje from The Bosley Family Tree

According to my ever-changing 23andMe results, my ancestry is mostly European. Mostly British and I have found a lot of German, so when France, Belgium, Italy, and recently found Norwegian heritage pops up on my Ancestry, (Hopefully, I learn more about the Norwegian later) I like to investigate deeper. One...

23andme 0

About Me Part Two

This blog already has an about me page, but after receiving my DNA results (a birthday present), I felt compelled to write another one, a part two if you will. I had a few surprises, and some, thanks to my research into Dad and Mom’s Ancestry, I was not so...


Cousin George

Been going through a lot of Mom’s papers, photos, and items she has stashed away. Today, we found this gem. “Cousin George” according to the back of the picture. My son, who enjoys doing different things with facial hair, exclaimed upon seeing this, “My hero! That takes commitment!” True. I...