Tagged: aussie


Boddington and Foxes Lair

With gladness to get out of the house and hopes to see birds, orchids, Western Australia’s natural beauty, and whatever else it had to offer, we went for a day’s outing to Foxes Lair via Boddington. It wasn’t long we found ourselves in Boddington. The town owns its name to...


Red White and Blue

Saw this on Facebook, and I loved it. It looks like starting now, and if all goes to plan, Lord willing, I get to celebrate our Independence Day and Australia day there in January!

john's visit to Maryland 0

An Aussie’s Trip to Maryland

It’s always interesting to view your own area from the perspective of someone from somewhere else. Last October, John from Perth, Western Australia visited the USA. He was whisked out of his plane into downtown New York City by four crazy women and then we flew down Interstate 95 to...

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Fun Digeridoo!

Our holidays with Enric, Miranda, and Silas took on an Aussie flavor, when Enric took the challenge of playing the digeridoo John sent to Miquel some Christmases ago. Enric had so much fun with it, I almost hated to see him leave it behind….

Christmas Package from Australia 1

‘Ave a bonza Chrissy, Mate

Going with near 10 years tradition now, Australia came to Maryland in the form of a big, heavy package filled with surprises and a complete color coded gift guide. Â Calendars, lollies, and stubby holders cushioned the package well around other presents… Miranda admires the echidna for baby Silas Laura...

Aussie Christmas 1

Aussie Christmas

Christmas isn’t totally over at our household. The decorations are still  up and a present from Australia arrived yesterday for Miquel. I don’t know what Miquel was thinking when a long tube presented itself at our doorstep from the deliveryman, but according to Miquel, Mr. Dolphin truly didn’t want him...

Barbie drops Ken for an Aussie 0

Barbie and Ken

Apparently this is not new news, but my daughter sauntered into my room last night and told me for the first time, “Bad news, Barbie and Ken broke up.” Well that led to one joke after another in the household. Today I looked it up on the net. (I take...