Tagged: emotional


Should I Detach from an Abusive Father?

“In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.” – Albert Einstein Consulting Clinical Psychologist’s Reply As you’ve discovered, loving and forgiving someone doesn’t protect us from who they are, how they behave,...

abuse 1

Two Years…

Most emotional abusers are adept at convincing the victim that the abuse is his/her fault. Somehow, the victim is responsible for what happened. Mental abuse is a blow of death to your self-esteem. Often the first step in leaving the abuse is obtaining counseling to rebuild that esteem. ““““““““““““ Sunglasses...

Emotional Abusers 9

Emotional Abusers

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and  over again and expecting different results.” – Albert  Einstein …and now for something rather serious to me: Emotional abuse is something that can make its victims feel as if they are going crazy. If you feel you are living with an emotional abuser,...