Tagged: happy


Nappy Birthday Miranda

John rejoined Facebook and on her birthday, told Miranda, “Nappy Birthday.” Not sure if that was a typo or a comment that she is having her birthday shortly after giving birth to Ezra.    


Rubi’s First Picture

“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” ~Richard Bach ~ Today, our 3 year old Rubí created her FIRST drawing, and I think it’s pretty GOOD!

Enric and Miranda's wedding 5

Get me to the Church on Time (part 3)

The next day was another struggle to get the the church on time for the actual wedding. We were blessed with SLEEP and a nice hotel room and soon it was off to Enric and Miranda’s wedding. I have to tell you, it was the sweetest wedding I have ever...