Tagged: holiday


Good-bye Siesta Park

No one wants to leave a holiday. Our time had come though, and we weren’t going straight home, so, even though we were leaving Siesta Park, we still had a day’s adventures ahead of us.   I have a feeling, we will be back.

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An Aussie’s Trip to Maryland

It’s always interesting to view your own area from the perspective of someone from somewhere else. Last October, John from Perth, Western Australia visited the USA. He was whisked out of his plane into downtown New York City by four crazy women and then we flew down Interstate 95 to...

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Fun Digeridoo!

Our holidays with Enric, Miranda, and Silas took on an Aussie flavor, when Enric took the challenge of playing the digeridoo John sent to Miquel some Christmases ago. Enric had so much fun with it, I almost hated to see him leave it behind….