Tagged: Horsepower


Perth Royal Show 2014: Horsepower

One of the most fun parts of the Perth Royal show is the fireworks and the show they have before the fireworks, Horsepower. This year, though, before the Horsepower presentation, we got to have a photo shoot of all the riders before the show. The reason for that was because...


Perth Royal Show 2014 : The Extreme

Last year at the Perth Royal Show, they had Rocketman for thrills. This year I didn’t see him in the line up and wondered what they would do. Motorcycles and BMX bikes soon filled the arena and I had my answer.


Perth Royal Show 2014: The Horses

This is one blog post I could go crazy because we saw a lot of horses, and that means we took a LOT of photos of horses too. There are so many breeds represented at the Royal Show, there is just no way to get them all in one blog:...