Tagged: Personal

Lorelai with Paul Anka and Sookie 0

Another Lesson from Gilmore Girls

Regarding today’s politics, maybe Lorelei from Gilmore Girls says it all in a scene from season six. She is preparing to sneak a dog chain on her dog, Paul Anka, so that he can spend the night with Sookie. SOOKIE: Hi! Paul Anka! You want to come have a sleepover...

My Personal DNA 4

My Personal DNA

[Still staying away from politics today….] I have taken a Personal DNA test and the results follows. My personalDNA Report I guess with a divorce pending, it’s no surprise to see my trust and confidence at a low. Glad to see my femininity is still in tact though. 🙂  

Personal DNA 2

Personal DNA

I am an…… You are a Builder You are detail-oriented, cautious, and practical, making you a BUILDER. You are excellent at focusing on the concrete, functional elements of things, so you’re good at making things happen. Pursuing novel ways of doing things helps you to be efficient. You’re great to...