Tagged: perth royal show 2014


Perth Royal Show 2014 : The Fireworks

Last year the biggest surprise after Horsepower was the how amazing the fireworks were. This year, on our second attempt of that week, I tried to get some photos and a movie. The video camera battery died on me or something went wrong, so here are the photos, and a...


Perth Royal Show 2014: Odds and Ends

Perhaps it’s because I am not from around here, or perhaps it’s because I haven’t been to a lot of state fairs. Whatever the reason, there are few things that caught my eye…. And so are seeing their babies!


Perth Royal Show 2014 : The Extreme

Last year at the Perth Royal Show, they had Rocketman for thrills. This year I didn’t see him in the line up and wondered what they would do. Motorcycles and BMX bikes soon filled the arena and I had my answer.