Tagged: tumalo farms

Flavio and Barb 0

Flavio Stops In For a Quick Visit

Flavio is in town for the Fancy Food Show in Washington D.C. to promote his fine cheeses from his Tumalo Farms.  We were so glad he decided to stop in to see us! Wonderful cheeses at Tumalo Farms, we know first hand!    

Margie Jewell DeCastilhos 0


It’s hard to imagine the holidays after a loss of a spouse. I’ve been thinking and praying for Flavio and the boys in these days. Marge was a treasure, a jewel, just like her name. Today a package came from Flavio, a gift of cheese from his Tumalo Farms as...

Tumalo Farms Cheeses 0

Christmas Presents 2008: Goat Cheese!

Not just any goat cheese, the cheeses of Tumalo Farms. Flavio and Marge sent a lovely box with a variety of cheeses all fixed up in a nice Christmas packaging. It was nice to have Petra (from Holland and no stranger to cheeses) with us when giving it a taste....

Tumalo Farms Cheese wins First Prize 0

Tumalo Farms Cheese wins First Prize

    My crazy Brazilian “brother”, Flavio, tells a local news all about his cheese and goat farm. In a very charming way, he compared herding goats to the milking parlor to his days in the boardroom with engineers, that was funny. I am proud of Flavio, he works hard along...