Tagged: YouTube

John and Jamie 0

Father’s Day and Blue Fairy Wrens

Jamie called John wanting to postpone Father’s Day for one week. It was decided to return to Wungong Dam and photograph the blue fairy wrens there. This time I was able to go with them! Here is a video you can see and hear them. The clicking sounds you can...

Adventure to Rottsnest Island 0

Adventure on Rottnest

After taking the ferry ride to Perth, and getting there late, we had no time to waste climbing aboard our next tour, the Adventure Tour around Rottnest Island. Basically this was the excitement I had been waiting for all week! And then we took off. It suddenly became crystal clear...

Embers for Ashes 0

Embers For Ashes Video and Photos

I finally was able to put up all the photos of Embers for Ashes, (well not all as I took 700), but rather 40 photos of their last gig at Ram’s Head Live, Miquel’s last official gig with the band as lead VOX. You can see the photos HERE (2...

Rubi Talking 1

Talking With Rubi

Lately, Rubi has a lot of things to say. I just love all her little sounds. This evening, I caught her chatting with her daddy on my cell phone’s video recorder. He worked so hard to entertain her. She adores her daddy! As she should!  


Montserrat 1995

38 KM from Barcelona, appears from flat plains, what seems to be a freak of nature, the mountain range of Montserrat, 1,236 meters above sea level. It’s beauty is rare, and every day it shows you something new. Montserrat is also home to one of the most popular pilgrimage destinations...

Little Miquel with his Arsenio Hall Fist Pump 0

Little Miquel and Arsenio

For weeks and months I tried to establish a bedtime for Miquel. He wouldn’t have it. He busted out of his crib (literally), he tried everything he could. He wouldn’t even THINK of sleeping until he got to watch the late night talk show starring Arsenio Hall. Finally I had...

Little Barb at the Piano 1

The Baltimore Years

I grew up from ages 0-7 in East Baltimore on North Milton Avenue. We had the best neighbors, the Sovines and the Metzgers. We enjoyed a lot of memorable times together. Some were filmed, and I have a few clips, not in any kind of order, of our times living...

miquel amb gelat 0

Miquel and Ice Cream

Miquel has been the ‘star’ of the latest posts putting excerpts of our home videos on the web, but I thought to share the three I know of him that were food related, kind of together. So here is another Miquel moment, eating ice cream, or what he calls “eye...

Miquel with the formatge 0

Miquel amb Formatge

So a few days ago, I blogged an old home movie about a young Miquel and his love affair with food. The video showed his struggles as he tried to eat a bowl of potatoes. The video that follows, he is about the same age and we are at a...

barb waving from the pool 0

First Summer in Our House

Taking another trip down memory lane…. Well, still looking at home movies. Only this time it was my sister’s home movies! This came to be because one year for Christmas, I did a lot of homemade gifts. I found my sister’s old home movies, you know, the kind that requires...

Miquel with tatas 0


I’ve added a new category to the blog, “Memories,” as I am in the process of trying to preserve home movies of our family. Today’s memory is of Miquel eating a bowl of potatoes. Every since I can remember, Miquel has had a love affair with food. From the day...