A Random Climb Up Yilliminning Rock

How does one spend the end of the day on a three-day weekend, find a rock and climb it of course?

First to say, the name Yilliminning is of Aboriginal origin, derived from rock, pool, and river of the same name nearby, and was first recorded in 1892. It originally had one “n” but was amended in 1944 after years of confusion about the spelling.

Yilliminning Rock is a rock in Western Australia and has an elevation of 369 meters. 

Remnant vegetation on and around Yilliminning Rock, a granite inselberg near Narrogin,
Western Australia, was surveyed several times between 1992 and 1997. Six plant communities
comprising 238 vascular species from 54 families are reported. These include 2 undescribed species and 5 priority species; many of these populations are reported for the first time. In addition to the diverse vascular flora, 33 species of lichens from 11 families, including 2 priority species, are recorded for Yilliminning Rock.

Needless to say, inselberg was my word for the day.
From below, we had no idea if we were looking at the top or there was more beyond.
Hiking our way up, we had some beautiful views of the surrounding countryside.
If you look, you can see how small our white truck below looks from where we were.
At one point, John goes ahead of me to see it’s worth it for me to try and make it to the top. A short wait later, he waved me upwards.
John is starting to look farther away and It was starting to look a little gloomy at this point.
Views from the top.
It’s odd to be on a rock high enough you can see the dirt roads below.
While on the top we got to see the wildflowers.
Even higher views of the dirt road below.
As I looked out, I could see rain headed our way. We were high on a rock and I didn’t want to have to take changes running down.
Get another flower photo before we have to scoot.
One more.
Uh -oh. We put our camera gear in the bags and carefully made our way down.

Still in the distance, but I thought we were going to get soaked. We didn’t.

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