First Kiss (On Your Wedding Day?)

Do you remember your first kiss? Do you remember with who?

After more than a few people expressed surprise, shock, some even horror when I mentioned that at Enric and Miranda’s wedding ceremony, that was indeed their first kiss. I can’t say I am any better than anyone else, even I teased them a tad…”On your wedding day? Are you kidding? Do you mean to tell me that you are going to have your first kiss in front of 200+ people?” And then I went on to ask them if they had at least planned a little strategy so they don’t bump teeth or something else awkward.

I have to tell you, it made the ceremony so much the sweeter. They could, and so could the rest of us, feel joy for all the firsts the couple was about to embark on.

It’s really more than that though. It’s really a concept new to our generation, isn’t it? We seem to push our young people into having crushes, dates and steady boyfriends and girlfriends as if their self worth was all wrapped up into what the opposite sex thinks of them. Even at a very early age we do this; think for a moment, how many times has a family member leaned over to a 5 year old girl and teased, “Do you have any boyfriends?”
Statistics might say, that perhaps we are truly wrong in doing this. Teen pregnancy rates for example, show that pushing grown up ideas into the hands of young people, lead to grown up problems and situations, way before they are ready; at a price too big for them to handle, really.

Here you have a young couple. Of age. Consenting adults. Yet, they CHOSE to wait, even for their very first kiss.

I remember when they started dating at Northland Baptist Bible College. The rule at the college is NO TOUCHING of the opposite sex. Seems a reasonable rule for a Bible College. Enric and Miranda, in love, and with the same needs as everyone else, stood by that rule. Was it easy? I doubt it. The romantic in me was dizzy with that, when they left school for a few days, and still obeyed the rule, as school was still in session, and they were obliged to keep that promise they had made. I even took a photo with them in the background, and they were NOT touching, and the ‘romantic’ in me, took artistic lisence with the graphics program, and ‘made’ it to look like they were touching hands.

I remember when they were out of school, thinking that when Enric proposed marriage and Miranda accepted, that they might exchange a peck or two. What would be the harm? I sort of lived with that assumption, I was so wrong.

I give credit to Miranda’s parents. We need more like them for our daughters. They instilled dignity, worth, patience, obedience to the Lord God Almighty, that she was a treasure, and not to give herself over to worldly ideas that truly bring us down. If you don’t agree, just look up the statistics of our young girls and the lengths in which they go to looking for love, appreciation, and attention, and the cost to them.

Even with yet a week before their wedding, Enric and Miranda arranged it so, that they would not be alone together. That they would keep themselves totally pure and chaste before a loving God they worship, live for, and are obedient to; the Creator of Man and Woman, the institution of marriage, and all that it implies.

Both intend to work in the ministry, and I must say, even before they are completely out of school, they are truly teaching and ministering already.

They delivered a very strong testimony, a bold statement for these times on that their wedding day. Enric and Miranda, a wedding day never looked more beautiful. Hollywood, nor even all of England’s royal family could outshine what you made for your precious special day.

I hope I am not the only one who thinks so.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Enric Lopez…and their first kiss…I hope the first of many…

first kiss

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3 Responses

  1. Beth Ellen says:

    I had to come back and read this again. Very nice story and a refreshing one in a time where sexual indulgence is seen as a “right”.

  2. Jenn says:

    I think it’s always beautiful to see two young people willing to wait for that special day. My husband and I kissed for the first time on our wedding day! What Bliss! Happy Wishes to the Special Couple!

  3. Kat says:

    Here’s a video of a couple who kissed for the first time on their wedding day!

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