Laura Gets Baptized

Laura has kept us busy these days. Today she was baptized. Friends came, and so did my sister and her husband too.

Before I was baptized, my dad teased me endlessly how I was going to get dunked three times and brought up twice. Naturally, I passed that on to Laura. (My dad would have liked that) 🙂

Pastor Counterman baptizing Laura at Anchor Baptist Church

In spite of my teasing, Laura was counciled beforehand to learn the importance of this step in her life:

Most Baptists believe that baptism is a rich symbol. By this we mean that baptism in itself does not convey salvation or transformation, but it is a sign of what has happened in a spiritual sense to a new believer. The water used in baptism is not sacred but is a vehicle to enhance the symbolism of spiritual washing or regeneration. As a symbol, baptism conveys several levels of meaning for a Christian believer. In a most profound sense, it pictures in vivid form the gospel of Christ itself. As the apostle wrote in Romans 6:3-4, a believer is said to be buried into Christ’s death, buried with Christ, and raised to new life in Christ. Only baptism by immersion portrays this spiritual transformation in the fullest sense.

Baptists also believe that baptism is an important way of professing one’s faith in Christ. Theologically, as salvation is a gift of God, not through human achievement (Eph. 2:5, 8), and faith itself is a gift (Rom. 12:3), baptism is God’s gift to the Church to allow the faithful a means of expressing their faith and gratitude for God’s redemptive work. By being presented publicly as a candidate for baptism, the believer affirms personal commitment to God in Christ and the expressed faith of the congregation. And, by being immersed, the candidate professes an adoption of the gospel in personal life. Typically, adults, youth, or older children who understand the commitment of faith to Christ and wish to respond to God’s call are acceptable candidates for baptism.

Believer’s baptism has also been understood among Baptists as a sign of obedience to Christ. As Jesus was baptized by John in the River Jordan (Matt. 3:13 -17), similarly each follower of the Lord should be baptized. Jesus also said in his “Great Commission” (Matt. 28:19, 20) that disciples should go forth teaching and baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Laura, my sweet daughter, you made Mama very proud today.

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3 Responses

  1. Rodney Olsen says:

    That is so wonderful. Seeing children take steps forward in their spiritual lives is always amazing. It’s one thing for them to share our ideas of faith but when they make those things their own it is so much more wonderful.

  2. NightOwl says:

    Yes, something we would like our Children to do as well. We are just unsure on how
    to go about it as of yet.

  3. Myrna says:

    “congradulations” seems like an insignificant thing to say, but it
    is felt with my whole heart. Sometimes faith is all we have and
    thank God, we can hold on to Him when nothing else is stable. I
    hope Laura will learn to lean and use her faith when times are
    great and when times are terrible and everything in between.

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