Speaking of Acorn

I know there is a lot of talk about ACORN these days, and I almost didn’t notice the ABUNDANCE of acorns that are falling from our trees. Not only are they early and plentiful, they are BIG. The mere girth of these things are making awful sounds when they fall and hit the pool, the roof, and the shed.

My first thought was ‘is this a sign of a horrible winter to come?’

Then I happened to think about it, is that true or is it just weather lore?

So I looked it up at the Farmer’s Alamanac:

The following are some Natural Signs of a Rough Winter that we’ve collected over the years. Check them out and let us know if you have witnessed any of these signs or have additional weather wisdom we should add to the list.

* Very thick onion skins or corn husks

* Woodpeckers sharing a tree

* Early arrival of crickets on the hearth

* Spiders spinning larger than usual webs

* Lots of acorns

* A small rust/orange band on a woolly worm

* Trees are laden with green leaves late in the fall.

* Hickory nuts having heavy shells.

* Tree bark is heaviest on the north side of the tree.

* Crickets are in the chimney.

* Hoot owls call late into the fall.

* Raccoons have thick tails and bright bands

* Squirrels gathering nuts early in the year

* Pigs gathering sticks

* Frequent halos/rings around the sun or moon

* Heavy and numerous fogs in August

After reading this, I remembered the sizable spider webs we’ve been spotting around the house too!

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