Tagged: ball

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Memorial Day with the Grandchildren

Memorial Day was a tiny bit different this year. We did the usual, going to Kinder Farm Park with our Church Picnic. This year, instead of taking photos of the adult activities, I spent most of it with Silas and Rubi.­.  

Silas at Bat 0

Silas at Bat

We’ve been keeping Silas pretty busy these days. Today he had great fun with a daddy long legs. And later, his nana got him a bat and ball, and well, it was a bit confusing to him, but he had fun!

cammy with ball 0

Cammy and the Beautiful Day

Typically John will wake up in Australia on his Thursday morning (still my Wednesday afternoon) and ask, “What did you do today?” My answer is usually, “Play with Cameron.” Summer’s heat and humidity seems to have been replaced by a cool, crisp, sunshiny days here, perfect weather to take Cammy...