Tagged: wheelbarrow


Silas and Rubi in the Backyard

“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard.” ~Dorothy, Wizard of Oz   The same day we raked leaves, we went out again later to play in the backyard. We are so thankful for the beautiful days we...

Picking up sticks 0

Picking Up Sticks

Unfortunately the trees in our yard (and there are many) are not in good health. Thanks to severe thunderstorms and harsh snow storms, branches easily get knocked down into our yard a lot. This day, John decided to teach Silas he could help out Daddy and collect sticks for the...

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Easter 2009

This Easter was special having John here with us. First we went to church, and afterwards, we did the typical picture taking in the vestibule. Here is ( l. to r.) Miranda, Laura, and Erin. John joined in with he picture taking, and showed the girls the three beauties he...


More Fun with Connor and Aiden

Conner also enjoyed his day at the pool. He is such a happy smiley baby. And what is more fun than a wheelbarrow ride?  An after swim cuddle is nice too….