An Egg Hunt and John Let Me Have His Camera


Sunday, we were invited to Cathy and Graham’s to an early Easter Egg Hunt. (Given that they will be very busy on Easter)

It was our job to pick up Dad and Iris, and because we had a party at the zoo that night, I didn’t bring my camera. So, John allowed me to use his this day, with his fish-eye lens no less, which is very different for me.

So naturally my first photo was of him. 🙂 Odd isn't it to see the steering wheel on that side?


Our dear passengers, Dad and Iris. They were supposed to drive so John and I could snuggle in the back seat, but they took it instead. As far as I know, they were most behaved, although Dad never looks very innocent.


A view of Perth as we drive by.


Some beautiful clouds over the city in the distance.


When we arrived, it didn't take long for the egg hunt to begin!

They were hidden everywhere!

Little Quinn puts out his precious little hand to reach one.


A BIG chocolate that one!

John, Iris and Graham

Good grandparents always have their cameras ready.

Dad really knows how to relax and live. 🙂

John takes the camera back and gets a photo of me with my "Bride" tank top, which I am very happy with as I was given money for Amazon to buy it with for my Bridal shower.

And out of deep respect for Graham, and to be fair, I will not add John’s arty farty potato chip photo.


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