Existence of God

Existence of God

Along with my reading, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be An Athiest, Neil points his readers to this site which I found existenceto be excellent,  GotQuestions.org? It’s a site that has 184,094 Bible Questions Answered!

I went to the question: Is there an argument for the existence of God?”

I had to look at former atheist Lee Strobel’s quote:

“Essentially, I realized that to stay an atheist, I would have to believe that
nothing produces everything;
non-life produces life;
randomness produces fine-tuning;
chaos produces information;
unconsciousness produces consciousness;
and non-reason produces reason.

Those leaps of faith were simply too big for me to take, especially in light of the affirmative case for God’s existence. In other words, in my assessment the Christian worldview accounted for the totality of the evidence much better than the atheistic worldview.

Another quote, by a non Christian, Philosopher J. S. Mill even admits:

“It is self-evident that only Mind can create mind.The only rational and reasonable conclusion is that an eternal Creator is the one who is responsible for reality as we know it. Or to put it in a logical set of statements:

*Something exists.
* You do not get something from nothing.
*Therefore a necessary and eternal “something” exists.
*The only two options are an eternal universe and an eternal Creator.
*Science and philosophy have disproven the concept of an eternal universe.
*Therefore, an eternal Creator exists.

This is where a person sits when deciding between atheism and belief in God. Since belief in atheism could possibly result in irreparable and eternal consequences, it would seem that the atheist should be mandated to produce weighty and overriding evidence to support their position, but they cannot. Atheism simply cannot meet the test for evidence for the seriousness of the charge it makes. Instead, the atheist and those whom they convince of their position slide into eternity with their fingers crossed and hope they do not find the unpleasant truth that eternity does indeed exist and that such a place is an awfully long time to be wrong. As Mortimer Adler says,”More consequences for life and action follow from the affirmation or denial of God than from any other basic question.”

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1 Response

  1. Ramunas says:

    Just as there is no scientific proof that god doesn’t exist, so there is none that he doesn’t. The only evidence we have is philosophical and personally i wouldn’t consider that as fact. However, everyone will agree that a force beyond our comprehension created us. Some may refer to it as god, others call it chance. I call it consequence.

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