Holidays Around the Fire

So we had a unusually  warm holiday season between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it was on a chilly night Enric invited us around the fire. Not a holiday decorated fireplace in the house, no, the firepit in our cold back yard.

It was that twilight time of evening. Perfect with a chill in the air.

It was that twilight time of evening. Perfect with a chill in the air.

Silas and Enric.

Silas and Enric.

Miranda bundled up Ezra to join in the fun. He spots an airplane overhead.

Miranda bundled up Ezra to join in the fun. He spots an airplane overhead.

"All gone."

“All gone.”

Quickly it gets dark and we spot the moon.

Quickly it gets dark and we spot the moon.

Time to snuggle closer to the fire.

Time to snuggle closer to the fire.

Or a "sword fight" between Rubí and Pop Pop.

Or a “sword fight” between Rubí and Pop Pop.

Ezra wants in on the fun.

Ezra wants in on the fun.

Ezra didn't mind constantly falling into the leaves.

Ezra didn’t mind constantly falling into the leaves.

It's just good to see my son relax.

It’s just good to see my son relax.

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