Sim City Has Stopped Working

I thought I would share a few of my views of the new SimCity Societies.

Where the graphics and detail are amazing, there have been a few setbacks in my new Sim Journey.

But first the graphics. Here are a few screen shots: (you can click on the images for a larger view)



As you can see, it has day and night like Sim City 4 Deluxe, but also clouds…and rain!

Your rolling hills can even have morning fog. It’s adorable.

Some of the issues has been the announcement “Your Sim City has stopped working.”

There is an option to debug the issue, but that never works.

Also, there is a pop up on start up, which makes mention that I need to go to Microsoft’s web-page to update for the Video, and when I actually went through the few dozen steps to find the download, and figure which kind of computer I had (32bit), I downloaded it, and upon installation, I was told this was not for my computer.

I finally went to Sim City’s web-page, logged into the forum, and saw people had a thousand issues and I am actually one of the lucky ones who get a few minutes play before it crashes.

The good side of this program is that it does a regular save of the game every 5 minutes or so. So when the crashes do occur, you usually haven’t lost a whole lot.

One other item comparing it with the last version of Sim City, so far, it doesn’t seem as challenging. The actual attempts to earn money for your city doesn’t seem as difficult.

I am glad I have the game, but I am glad I didn’t have to pay the full price for it.

One more image before I go. 🙂
A skate-park at night.

Ok, many aggravations, but a lot of fun!

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1 Response

  1. the Grit says:

    Hi Barb,

    And that is why you should be playing Civilization instead 🙂

    the Grit

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