Tagged: box


Buttons, Band-Aids, and What Moms Do

Mom is gone… Now it’s up to me to figure out what to do with her things. I was in her room today, going through her shelves, and found her sewing box. Inside the sewing box, I found an item I had been describing to my daughter for some years...

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Heart in 3D

John got himself a small 3D printer. When he first mentioned getting one, it was hard to grasp the concept of a printer being able to print 3 dimensional objects. The more I read up on this, it seemed a wave of the future and a marvel for the medical...


Rubi and the Box

Boxes are wonderful for children. Silas found this big box in the yard and worked very hard to bring it into the house. He has pretended so many things with it, his imagination has soared. Yesterday however, Rubí not shy about climbing up into things in spite of her tiny...

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Silas the Turtle

Sitting in a box is great fun. Kids love boxes! But Mommy showing Silas how it can be a turtle’s home is also fun!

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Christmas Presents 2008: Goat Cheese!

Not just any goat cheese, the cheeses of Tumalo Farms. Flavio and Marge sent a lovely box with a variety of cheeses all fixed up in a nice Christmas packaging. It was nice to have Petra (from Holland and no stranger to cheeses) with us when giving it a taste....