Going Broke

Imagine that you had an average monthly income of about $170 balanced against average monthly expenses of about $940–and that you were more than $14,000 in debt.

Then imagine that as of today, you had only $58.60 in cash left in your bank account and $130.50 left on your line of credit.

Now multiply these numbers by 1 billion and you will have the up-to-date financial situation of the U.S. government. (CSNNEWS)

This is how the spenders in government want it? And even though we have seen through Europe that THIS kind of Going Brokespending can only last so long, they call us fiscal conservatives EXTREMIST???

The only thing EXTREME here is that budget, and it can’t last like that for long. And those politicians who DARE bring some sanity back to those numbers will go through HELL and be dragged through the mud in the worst of ways (you wait and see) for trying to do so. They will be accused of wanting grandmothers reduced to eating dog food, they will be accused of wanting thousands of children dead, they will be called everything in the book.

It will be everything but the plain truth, that there IS enough money to go around, it’s just that too much of it lands in Politicians pockets and that of their FRIENDS.

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1 Response

  1. NightOwl says:

    It’s a good comparison Barb. Sadly, I don’t see this getting fixed. This country has embarked down a slippery slope towards financial ruin. As you so aptly pointed out, anytime someone tries to address the issue, they get caught up in the quagmire of political murk that has no end in sight.

    We are headed for unprecedented anarchy, and I fear it will be sooner, rather than later.

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