Shopping with the Girls

Yesterday Georgie, Iris, and I went on a girls day out shopping.

We first though, surprised John at his work. I wanted to see where it was he earned a living and meet his co-workers. He was indeed surprised but gave me a quick grand tour.

Georgie, after dealing with some traffic, got us safely to the shopping center. I suppose shopping is shopping, but of course, all the store names were different. I did recognize a few, Target, K-Mart, Payless, and Gloria Jeans coffee. The rest of the shops were new to me. It’s fun to explore new places though, and I was in great company.

Finally it was time to stop for lunch. Since I can’t seem to eat breakfast, lunch is always a very welcome thing.

At this point I took out my cell phone to take some photos. The camera on the phone isn’t that good.

Here is dear sweet Iris. Of course with lunch comes tea.

Georgie and Iris and my iced coffee.


Georgie gets a photo of Iris and I.


I was rather fascinated with the containers they brought the tea out in. Georgie explained there was like something you could pump to help in making your tea stronger if you wished.

It was a great day shopping so I urged to do it again. Georgie treated me for lunch and Iris bought me a top. It was nice to get something new as I couldn’t pack a lot of clothes, and I liked seeing myself in something different when I came home to try it on!

On the drive home, something John has explained to me happens a great deal, a fire in the bush, which by the time we passed it was well contained by the fire brigade.

I was a bit slow in snapping this, the smoke was thick and dense before this shot was taken.

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